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Marcy Hickman


CIO | Systems Director

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Marcy Hickman headshot

Since 2009, Marcy has served as the Chief Information Officer and Systems Director for Urban Ashes in addition to filling in as bookkeeper, office manager and Head Cat Herder. Marcy brings extensive experience in IT, customer support, Lean processes, project management and wicked  pragmatic problem solving.


Marcy brings over 30 year of experience navigating and problem solving for state governments as an information technology specialist, business analyst, web-site designer and developer, and in professional licensing and regulatory affairs.  Helping clients to find IT solutions to solve business needs, and to improve business processes through Lean Process Improvement, she has supported the Departments of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Labor and Economic Development, MI Economic Development Corporation, and the Executive Office of the Governor.

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